Coping with Overwhelm

Recently I’ve come to terms with three of my default strategies for coping with overwhelm: 1) Run away 2) Just keep working and plowing through 3) Don’t feel I ran away from jobs when I got overwhelmed. I kept working to the point of exhaustion, eventually...

From Overwhelm to Creative Power

I get to work with amazing leaders every day. The leaders I coach are motivated, creative, and passionate. And, sometimes these same amazing and experienced leaders hit their wall. What used to work for them isn’t working anymore. They are so busy in execution...

Ready to play big?

Asking for what I want has not come naturally to me, but growth requires discomfort. So from an uncomfortable place, I’m going to practice asking for what I want right now. I want to coach leaders who are playing really big, bold, world-changing games....

The Change Formula

“Pain pushes until vision pulls.” Michael Bernard Beckwith I have experienced that there is fuel for change in pain, often long before a new vision becomes clear. In the midst of any current pain, I can choose to allow space for vision to emerge. The more...

Radical Responsibility

One of the key concepts that I bring up when working with leaders and teams is the idea of taking 100% responsibility. Otherwise known as taking radical responsibility, this idea is the lynchpin of all of the other commitments in “The 15 Commitments of Conscious...

Content vs. Context

After I put out an offer of free 30-minute coaching sessions on LinkedIn recently, it was interesting to read what type of support people were seeking in a coaching session. Some people wanted help with their CV while others were looking for more skill-based...

Is your organization ready for a change?

Stephanie Blackburn Freeth is the creator of The Strategy Tango.


The Strategy Tango is designed to move through seven tried and true planning steps while also accommodating the unique needs of your organization in each moment.


The Strategy Tango process is built upon a foundation of collaboration, candor, and focus.

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Are you looking for transformation?


Stephanie Blackburn Freeth provides 1:1 coaching for leaders looking to make their next transition.

Find out if you're ready for coaching with a free preparation checklist.

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