After I put out an offer of free 30-minute coaching sessions on LinkedIn recently, it was interesting to read what type of support people were seeking in a coaching session. Some people wanted help with their CV while others were looking for more skill-based support. 

For each person who contacted me, I wrote back to clarify that I am a context coach. I help people pay attention to the context of their issue rather than just the content.

Content = what we’re talking about

Context = how we’re talking about it

In other words, I help people see how they are being with the issue, whether from a state of fear or a state of trust. During coaching, once people get clear on the context of their issue, the content often shifts much more easily. 

I learned the art of context coaching from Jim Dethmer and Diana Chapman, authors of the book The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership and co-founders of The Conscious Leadership Group. This short video explains the difference between content and context.

For any current challenge you are having, ask yourself:

  • How are you being with that issue?
  • Are you being with the issue from a state of fear or a state of trust?
Content vs Context

Is your organization ready for a change?

Stephanie Blackburn Freeth is the creator of The Strategy Tango.


The Strategy Tango is designed to move through seven tried and true planning steps while also accommodating the unique needs of your organization in each moment.


The Strategy Tango process is built upon a foundation of collaboration, candor, and focus.

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Stephanie Blackburn Freeth provides 1:1 coaching for leaders looking to make their next transition.

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